July 9, 2007
This essay represents my 100th in a series of weekly bulletins I have written over the last two years. During this time I have written on a variety of management related issues as well as technical topics pertaining to Information Technology, e.g., systems design, data base design, software engineering, etc. My intent was to show the vast scope of Information Resource Management (IRM) and try to get people to expand their horizons and think beyond their immediate scope of responsibilities. I have received a lot of feedback from these essays, some negative, but most have been very positive and supportive. I have always tried to be honest and forthright in my editorials, a "straight shooter" some say. Nonetheless. my comments are either welcomed with enthusiasm or disdain, there is little middle ground. Thank God I am not in the business of running a popularity contest. Regardless of what you think of my comments and observations, you know where I stand on an issue. Its not important whether you agree with me or not, but if I can get you to stop and think about something, then I have accomplished my goal.
I like to believe I have seen a lot over the last 30 years; customers trying to conquer massive system problems, luminaries who have impacted the I.T. industry by introducing new ideas, and charlatans selling the latest snake oil. But I have also found the discourse with the people in both the trenches and the boardroom to be the most stimulating. From their comments and experiences I have witnessed not only changes in technology but in management as well, some for better, some for worse. I have listened to both their frustrations as well as their accomplishments; their successes and their failures. The passing parade over the years has introduced a multitude of changes, from large to small. So much so, the corporate landscape is nothing like when I began in the mid-1970's. Interestingly, I am now at that awkward age where I am considered a radical by my elders and "out of touch" by my youngers (I like to call this the "Twilight Zone" period of my life).
Between my consulting practice and the feedback resulting from these bulletins, I have observed some interesting changes in the corporate workplace. Below are some of the more pronounced observations, some will be rather obvious, some not so. Nonetheless, here they are, warts and all:
1. We now live in a Disposable Society.
Information Technology departments feel they are under incredible pressure to produce more with less. This is caused by executive managers who do not have a true appreciation of the mechanics of development. Executives falsely equate computer hardware with development and, as such, spend an inordinate amount of money on hardware and software, and little on the management infrastructure needed to create industrial strength systems (a kind of "penny-wise, pound-foolish" behavior). They may understand the value of computer hardware, but they do not have a clue as to the value of information as it applies to their companies. Nonetheless, because of the amount of money invested in tools, executives expect miracles from the I.T. staff. Since executives expect short turnarounds, the I.T. department is only able to produce a fraction of what is needed to adequately support the company. Programs are written with little, if any, thought of interfacing with other programs or to share and reuse data. Consequently, redundant data and software resources run rampant in most corporate shops. It has gotten so pervasive that I.T. shops have resigned themselves to writing disposable software whereby they openly recognize it will become obsolete in a short amount of time.
Let me give you an example, a couple of years ago I met the product manager of one of the more popular PC office suites. We got around to talking about his company's approach to development. He confided in me that they get requests for so many changes that they literally rewrite their product, from scratch, year after year. I was astonished by this admission as I had always had the utmost respect for this firm and thought they were smarter than this.
This disposable mentality has become so pervasive that I.T. departments are no longer interested in doing what is right, but what is expeditious instead. This is why such things as "Agile" development is in vogue today. We no longer care about building things to last; instead, we do just enough to pacify the moment. In other words, the days of true enterprise-wide systems are a thing of the past. I.T. departments simply do not have the time or inclination to build such systems. Even if they had the desire to do so, I no longer believe they have the knowledge or wherewithal to build major systems anymore.
2. Our sense of professionalism has changed.
With the passing of each decade I have noticed changes in our sense of professionalism, some subtle, some not so subtle. How the "Greatest Generation" perceived professionalism is different than the "Baby Boomers" and Generations X, Y, and Z. Remarkably, all consider themselves to be talented professionals, probably more so than the other generations. I am not here to pass judgment, only to observe the changes:
- Scope - the scope of project assignments addressed by each generation has changed over the
years, from larger to smaller. Whereas companies in the 1960's and 1970's tackled major systems,
today they tend to shy away from such undertakings because they have failed more than they
have been succeeded and because of our "disposable" mentality just mentioned. This has led
to a "bottom-up" approach to systems development today.
- Discipline - there has been a gradual erosion in discipline over the years. To conquer the
major systems projects of the past, people realized it was necessary to cooperate and work
in a concerted manner. This meant people had to perform in a more uniform and predictable
manner in order to attain the desired results. But as the scope of development projects diminished,
individual initiative was rewarded over teamwork. Today, discipline has been sacrificed for results.
In other words, because of the "disposable" mentality, there is less emphasis today on uniformity,
integration and reusability. Interestingly, developers in all of the generations possess a pride in
workmanship, but it is a difference in scale. Whereas, developers of yesteryear sweated over the
details of an entire system, today's developers sweat over the details of a single program or perhaps
just a module within it.
- Organization - Again, because of the scope of projects years ago, there was a greater appreciation
for the need for organization in order to conquer problems on a team basis. But with the
trend towards smaller projects and cheaper computers, developers were given more tools,
and fewer rules, to get the job done. This led to the deterioration of teamwork and gave rise to
rugged individualism. Now, instead of conforming to organization, developers are permitted to
operate as they see fit. To me, the unbridled cockiness of today's developers is both good and
bad; good in that they are not afraid of a challenge, but bad in that they are marching to their
own drummer.
- Accountability - Whereas years ago people had no problem being held accountable for
their actions, today they tend to avoid responsibility and prefer to be told what to do. I find
this to be a strange paradox, particularly in lieu of my earlier comments regarding the
unbridled cockiness of today's workers. Regardless of their enthusiasm, they are reluctant to
seek and accept responsibility. Instead, they prefer to take orders thereby deflecting
responsibility to someone else (who takes the blame in the event of a problem). I find it
remarkable that the younger workers today prefer to be told what to do.
- Management Style - since the 1960's we have seen a transition from a Theory Y form of management (bottom-up worker empowerment), to some Theory Z (consensus), to Theory X (top-down dictatorial). Today, "micromanagement" is the norm as opposed to the exception.
Its interesting, we all claim to want to do the right thing, yet we have different interpretations as to what exactly is right. I attribute this to the different perspectives and values of the different generations; they are most definitely not the same and can be attributed to changing socioeconomic conditions. Not surprising, what is perceived as "professional" by the "Greatest Generation" is not the same as what is perceived by Generation Z. As I have discussed in the past, there is a serious generation gap. Which generation possesses the correct interpretation of "professionalism"? That depends on who you talk to. As I said, I am not here to pass judgment but, rather, to observe the phenomenon. Ultimately, our sense of professionalism is based on our sense of quality, resourcefulness, our determination to see a job through to completion, our ethics, and how we deport ourselves in executing a job.
3. There is no sense of history.
One thing that distinguishes the younger generations from its predecessors is its sense of history, or the lack thereof. Very few have an appreciation for developments in the I.T. industry. Consequently, there is a tendency to reinvent the wheel every few years in terms of systems and software theory. Many of today's younger I.T. developers genuinely believe the problems they are experiencing today are unique. For example, they believe:
- There is no consistent approach for specifying requirements.
- Users do not know what they want.
- Systems lack integration and proper documentation.
- Data redundancy is a problem between systems.
- Systems are difficult to maintain and modify.
- Projects never come in on time or within budget.
In reality, these problems are as old as systems development. To illustrate, not long ago I got into an argument with some younger developers over how we program today versus how I learned it back in the 1970's. They contended it had changed radically. I contended, the tools and techniques may have changed, but the underlying philosophy of programming has not.
Today, "programming" is considered passé since it is being outsourced overseas. Instead, developers want to call themselves "Solution Providers," "Business Analysts" or "Enterprise Architects," anything to differentiate themselves from programmers. Regardless, unless they are truly doing something different, they're still thinking and acting like programmers.
Bottom-line: there is nothing new in development; and our problems are still the same.
4. Workers are becoming socially dysfunctional.
While the use of technology in our personal and professional lives proliferate, people's interpersonal relations/communications skills are deteriorating at a rapid rate. Simple things like writing a business letter, conducting a meeting, or greeting and networking with others is becoming difficult. I am finding more and more people who prefer to tune into technology and tune out mankind. Consequently, common courtesy, etiquette, and effective communications is being sacrificed, all of which is having an adverse effect on the corporate culture and how we conduct business. This concerns me greatly.
5. Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
This has been a favorite expression of mine for a number of years and is indicative of the problems people have in establishing priorities. Technology, not management, is leading the country today. To me, this is the tail wagging the dog. Technology will always have a place in business, but we should not be driven by it. Because of our faith in technology there is now a tendency to leap into costly projects before we look. As such, I believe we need more people who truly understand the business and its market as opposed to more technologists. Always remember, an elegant solution to the wrong problem solves nothing.
I am often asked by younger people as to the direction of the I.T. industry and what they should be thinking about. I tell them three things; first, this is an illogical industry devoid of commonsense. What was logical in my day will not be the same in theirs. Second, I tell them if they are going to stay in the I.T. industry, they should find a solid niche and immerse themselves in it. And third, be prepared to change and evolve.
My father-in-law always had an interesting expression that I believe is still true; he said, "We have 30 years to learn, 30 years to earn, and 30 years to burn (the money)." The most interesting and creative years in our professional lives are in our 20's when we are still learning and have great enthusiasm. In our 30's we establish our niche and concentrate on it. In our 40's we bustle with confidence and establish our stride. Then in our 50's, as I mentioned early on, we begin to go through that awkward stage where we are being questioned by our elders and pushed out by our youngers. After this Twilight Zone period, I'll let you know how the 60's go.
OUR BRYCE'S LAW OF THE WEEK therefore is... "If you are not pissing someone off, you are probably not doing your job."
Friends, the "PRIDE" Methodologies for Information Resource Management (IRM) is a common sense solution for Enterprise Engineering, Systems Engineering, Data Base Engineering, and Project Management. The methodologies include defined work breakdown structures, deliverables, and review points that promote quality and the production of industrial-strength information systems. Building information resources is a science, not an art form. Our methodologies clearly explain the concepts that govern them, which remarkably, is derived from engineering/manufacturing practices. Now you can get these acclaimed methodologies for free at our corporate web site at: http://www.phmainstreet.com/mba/pride/
(NOTE) The following is an excerpt of my upcoming book entitled, "MORPHING INTO THE REAL WORLD - THE HANDBOOK FOR ENTERING THE WORK FORCE."
Today, our society is driven by technology and some would accuse me of being an anti-technologist. Having been actively involved with the Information Technology industry over the last 30 years, I can assure you this is simply not true. I have witnessed many different technological enhancements over the years, but what intriques me most is how it affects us socially. I firmly believe technology is purchased more as a fashion statement as opposed to any practical application. Consequently, we tend to under utilize or abuse the technology thereby costing companies millions of dollars. Instead of "Ready, Aim, Fire," people tend to, "Fire, Aim, Ready." In other words, people tend to implement the latest technology before they understand precisely what it is or what business need it serves. To me, this is putting the cart before the horse.
Perhaps the biggest difference between the 20th century and the 21st is how technology has changed the pace of our lives. We now expect to communicate with anyone on the planet in seconds, not days. We expect information at our fingertips. We expect to be up and walking shortly after a hip or knee replacement. Basically, we take a lot for granted. But this frenzied pace has also altered how we conduct business and live our lives. To illustrate, we want to solve problems immediately, and have no patience for long term solutions. Consequently, we tend to attack symptoms as opposed to addressing true problems, and apply Band-Aids to pacify the moment as opposed to tourniquets which are actually needed. We are easily satisfied with solving small problems as opposed to conquering major challenges. Personally, we tend to live for today, as opposed to planning for tomorrow. This mindset concerns me greatly.
What if someone pulled the plug on our technology? Would engineers still know how to draft products? Would we still know how to ship a product or process an order? Would our financial transactions come to a halt? Would business come to a standstill? The answer, unfortunately, is Yes. This highlights the overt dependency we have developed on our technology and is cause for alarm. We are being driven by technology as opposed to the other way around. By unplugging our technology, we are unplugging the human-being. Think I'm wrong? Watch what happens the next time the power goes out at your office or home.
Because of the domination of technology, people have allowed their socialization skills to slip. Small things, such as common courtesy, appearance, and our ability to network with others, have all deteriorated in the workplace. We may be effective in communicating electronically, but we are becoming complete failures in communicating socially. Throughout the book I mention how people act on perceptions, right or wrong. These perceptions are based in large part on our ability to communicate, such as through the messages we transmit verbally or written, our appearance, our body language, and how we treat others. If we cannot communicate effectively in this capacity, no amount of technology will be able to alter the perceptions of our coworkers, our managers, our customers, our vendors, or our friends and family.
To this end, I have introduced a new Bryce's Law:
"As the use of technology increases, social skills decreases."
Such is my Pet Peeve of the Week.
Folks, a couple of years ago I started to include my "Pet Peeve of the Week" in these "Management Visions" podcasts. They have become so popular that I now syndicate them through the Internet and they are available for republication in other media. To this end, I have created a separate web page for my writings which you can find at phmainstreet.com Look for the section, "The Bryce is Right!" Hope you enjoy them.
A Nick in Tampa wrote me regarding my recent "Pet Peeve" on
He writes:
"I also have Verizon internet, cable, and voice phone service. I love the service and the price blows Brighthouse away BUT their customer service is horrible. The automated phone answering service is the worst and getting hold of the correct department can be difficult to say the least. I have the FIOS service and they have their own service department but you still have to go through the automated system. The easiest way to get a live person is to say 'I WANT AN AGENT.' For some reason that is what the system recognizes instead of operator or representative. Once you finally get a live person on the line, I have found them to be quite helpful and cooperative."
Thanks for your comments.
Keep those cards and letters coming.
MBA is an international management consulting firm specializing in Information Resource Management. We offer training, consulting, and writing services in the areas of Enterprise Engineering, Systems Engineering, Data Base Engineering, Project Management, Methodologies and Repositories. For information, call us at 727/786-4567. For a complete listing of my essays, see the "PRIDE" Special Subject Bulletins section of our corporate web site.
Our corporate web page is at:
Management Visions is a presentation of M. Bryce & Associates, a division of M&JB Investment Company of Palm Harbor, Florida, USA. The program is produced on a weekly basis and updated on Sundays. It is available in versions for RealPlayer, Microsoft Media Player, and MP3 suitable for Podcasting. See our web site for details. You'll find our broadcast listed in several Podcast and Internet Search engines, as well as Apples' iTunes.
If you have any questions or would like to be placed on our e-mailing list to receive notification of future broadcasts, please e-mail it to timb001@phmainstreet.com
For a copy of past broadcasts, please contact me directly.
We accept MP3 files with your voice for possible inclusion in the broadcast.
There is no charge for adding a link to "Management Visions" on your web page, for details and HTML code, see the "Management Visions" web site.
Management Visions accepts advertising. For rates, please contact yours truly directly.
Copyright © 2007 by M&JB Investment Company of Palm Harbor, Florida, USA. All rights reserved. "PRIDE" is the registered trademark of M&JB Investment Company.
This is Tim Bryce reporting.
Since 1971: "Software for the finest computer - the Mind."
Labels: Adverse, Broadcast, Bryce, Effect, Effects, Entering, IRM, Management, MBA, Podcast, Technology, Tim, Twilight, Visions, Zone
I agree with you conclusions...(I'm actually in my early 30s and I'm starting to find/form my nische).
Anyhow, what I although think you have forgotten is a forth bulletpoint of what to think of;
4. The majority of new inventions/findings will not be in the technology it self. It will be in how people utalize the new technology. How we find new channels and usage of all the new technology. Personally I think we are just in the beginning of a wonderful area...
Thanks for good writing.
/Johan Beijar
Anonymous, At
10:39 AM
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