Tuesday, June 12, 2007

June 18, 2007


Key to any Information Technology development project is the ability to effectively interview with end-users, people from business units who are not necessarily graced in the acumen of I.T., yet need solutions to some rather pressing business problems for their departments. Yet interviewing skills seem to be in decline lately, particularly among I.T. personnel. Its really not that difficult, but it requires a certain type of person to perform it adequately; someone who is naturally curious and works well with others, a "people-person."

How you interview someone in business is somewhat different than how Barbara Walters interviews a celebrity on television. Although there are lessons she can teach us, you must remember you are not there for anyone's entertainment. True, you want to be sociable, but you also need to get to the point.

There are essentially three types of situations for interviewing a user during an I.T. development project:

  1. To specify information requirements (as to what is needed and why).
  2. To review designs for viability and acceptance.
  3. For current systems analysis.

In all three situations the interviewer must be one part detective, one part lawyer, and one part translator. The interviewer must be a detective in order to know how to investigate a problem and know what to look for; he must be a lawyer in order to know how to ask the right questions, and; he must be a translator to interpret what the user is saying.


The first thing the developer must know is some background information on the person to be interviewed. The developer must be able to assimilate the user's job and his interests to better serve the user as well as to gain his trust. To do so, pertinent organization charts and job descriptions should be referenced in advance to study the scope of the user's area of responsibility and employee reporting relationships. Further, the developer should understand the user's products or services he is responsible for, along with the customers and vendors he works with. The more the developer knows about the user prior to meeting him, the more credible he will be and the better his chances are for satisfactorily serving the user.

To develop the proper rapport, dress presentably, act professionally, and communicate effectively. Appearances in this regard are very important. Nobody wants to confide their interests in a Huckleberry who doesn't appear to know what he is doing. Dressing and acting professionally expresses respect for the other person, as does a firm handshake. Very important: speak to communicate. This means the developer should communicate in terms the user will understand, not the other way around. Technical jargon should be avoided as this may be misinterpreted by the user and may even alienate him, thereby creating a hostile or uncooperative working relationship. Further, avoid the temptation to use slang, try to be as articulate as possible.

Learn to read the body language of the person you are interviewing. Look for signs of being guarded versus being open and candid. Likewise, consider your own body language so that you invite discussion. You want to convey an image that you are genuinely interested in what the user has to say. For example, don't let your eyes wander around the room during the interview, stay focused on what the other person is saying.

Observe protocol. Remember, when you are visiting the user, you are on someone else's turf. Do not be presumptive, take nothing for granted. Ask permission to tour the user's area, talk to pertinent people, and gather notes. A little professional courtesy can go a long way.


Prior to meeting with the user, prepare a thorough interview outline highlighting the questions or subject areas you will be inquiring about. True, the actual interview will undoubtedly stray from the outline, but it offers you some structure to maximize your use of time. Also, to enhance productivity during an interview, it is a good idea to communicate the purpose of the interview to the user and what your objectives are. This should be done well in advance of the interview to give the user ample time to prepare for the meeting. Ideally, the user should be presented with a copy of the interview outline prior to the meeting.

During the interview, take plenty of notes. Frankly, I am of the old-school whereby I use nothing more than paper and pencil. I still find users who are intimidated by computer laptops and other recording devices. As an aside, some of the best interviewers I have seen over the years knew "shorthand" which simplified taking notes, but I'm afraid this is a language facing extinction. If you wish to use computer technology during the interview, be sure the user doesn't have a problem with it, nor that it will inhibit his dialog with you.

In terms of venue, the interviewer must determine a suitable site to conduct the interview, either in the user's office, your office, or a neutral site. Users tend to be more comfortable in their own offices where it is easier for them to reference paperwork for you. The only problem though is the possibility of interruptions (phone calls or people stopping by). Holding the interview in your office tends to be more threatening and may actually inhibit the person by making him think it is an inquisition. A neutral site near the user's area is better to minimize distractions and allows the user to remain comfortable in his own area of responsibility. For example, I have seen some excellent interviews conducted in sequestered meeting rooms where the interviewer can scribble notes on a blackboard or flip chart. This can be very conducive for clarifying points during the interview, as well as general brain storming sessions.

During the interview, the developer tends to play the role of a lawyer, which means he probably knows the answer to a question before asking it. A well structured interview, therefore, is used to confirm your suspicions more than anything else. As in the lawyer analogy, avoid "fishing trips" whereby the interview goes down pointless avenues of discussion. Remember, if you are not using the right bait, you'll catch nothing. Stay focused, stay in control and don't let the interview digress into meaningless ramblings.

During the interview, there will be a lot of "give and take" in terms of controlling the direction of the interview. The interviewer should avoid jousting but always remain firmly in control of the meeting. Stay on target and accomplish the objectives as specified on your interview outline.


More than anything, the interviewer is trying to understand the rationale for something. Because of this, it is no small wonder the term "Why?" is the most commonly used expression in his vernacular. When I am specifying user information requirements, I like to approach the question in another manner. For example, I'll say something to the effect, "Assuming I can deliver the information to you in the manner you want, what will you do with it?" In other words, I am looking for the user to describe the business actions and decisions to be supported by the information, thereby justifying the need for it. This is a nice alternative to constantly asking, "Why?" Another technique is to simply ask the user for examples in order to illustrate his points.

How a manager perceives something may be different than what happens in fact. Consequently, I often find it necessary to interview key secretaries and clerks who are more intimate with the daily flow of business in the work area than the manager might be. Their answers may confirm or conflict with what the manager says. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of the interviewer to find and substantiate the truth.


In interviewing, it is not so much what you ask as it is how you ask it. As such, both tact and diplomacy are part of the game. The interviewer has to convey a positive image of trustworthiness, professionalism, and organization. Further, he has to be able to ask pointed questions, as well as being approachable to confide in.

Aside from the human dynamics of interviewing, organization is vital for success, if for nothing else than to maximize your use of time (as well as the other person's). Take good notes during the interview, pick through them carefully afterwards, and document them for review by the user for clarity. This review is important. Its like saying, "This is what I understood you to say; is this a correct interpretation?" Clearing up misinterpretations and inconsistencies early in a development project will save considerable time and money later on. As the old adage goes, "The best surprise is no surprise."

OUR BRYCE'S LAW OF THE WEEK therefore is... "If you are not using the right bait, you'll catch nothing."


Friends, the "PRIDE" Methodologies for Information Resource Management (IRM) is a common sense solution for Enterprise Engineering, Systems Engineering, Data Base Engineering, and Project Management. The methodologies include defined work breakdown structures, deliverables, and review points that promote quality and the production of industrial-strength information systems. Building information resources is a science, not an art form. Our methodologies clearly explain the concepts that govern them, which remarkably, is derived from engineering/manufacturing practices. Now you can get these acclaimed methodologies for free at our corporate web site at:


I have finally reached that stage in my life where my children have grown up and are off pursuing other interests. Its kind of strange experiencing the empty nest syndrome. You start to notice small changes right away, such as how the volume of trash goes down, as does your water, power, and food bills. The phone doesn't ring as much and its generally a lot quieter around the house at night. Maybe the hardest part is changing your eating habits. Instead of shopping and cooking for a group of people, you find yourself staring at the TV over a Marie Callender pot pie or a Stouffer's pizza. It takes quite an adjustment to learn how to cook for two.

As your offspring leaves, you determine its finally time to clean out their rooms. This is when you find that socket set you've been missing for the last five years and your old records and CD's you had forgotten about. And when they come back for a visit they look at you mortified as to why you found it necessary to clean out their rooms. "Wasn't it okay the way it was?" Some people like to go the extra mile and replace the furniture and create a new guest room or den. This really exasperates the kids as to why you didn't do this earlier when they were still home.

Although you were always looking for a little peace and quiet around the house after the kids were gone, now you find you cannot sleep as the house seems too quiet to you. I guess we get conditioned to a little helter-skelter being around us.

You also discover you're starting to get some free time on your hands. Instead of school functions and chasing the kids around the ball fields, you finally have time to reacquaint yourself with your spouse. The only problem is you are not in your twenties or thirties anymore and you both find more solace in reading a good book or watching a movie then chasing each other around the bedroom. You're not dead yet, but you come to the painful realization that life isn't quite the same anymore.

But perhaps the hardest part of the empty nest is realizing the kids are no longer chasing you around anymore and that you are now chasing them. You no longer take them for granted and cherish every moment you speak to them on the phone as well as every e-mail or letter they send you. The hardest part is simply missing them.

Such is my Pet Peeve of the Week.


Folks, a couple of years ago I started to include my "Pet Peeve of the Week" in these "Management Visions" podcasts. They have become so popular that I now syndicate them through the Internet and they are available for republication in other media. To this end, I have created a separate web page for my writings which you can find at Look for the section, "The Bryce is Right!" Hope you enjoy them.


A J.N. from the United Kingdom wrote me regarding my recent "Pet Peeve" on "Micromanagement." He writes:

"I couldn't agree more!

This is especially true when managing talented technical or creative people, i.e., people who will know more about their job than their manager.

Micromanaging often comes with ridiculous information control, and the combination will actually "create" poor performance even in good staff.

I have gotten a nice reputation as a "miracle" maker for team and project turnaround, for doing nothing more than figuring out what people were capable of, making sure they are given what they need to do the job, clear information, clear ownership of their job, then get out of the way."

I also heard from an H.U. in the US who writes:

"I have had a number of bosses that needed to read your article! I work for a volunteer organization as the only paid employee. Everyone else is a volunteer. I have found that when I allow groups to make as many decisions as possible themselves they feel that they have some ownership of the project, they work harder, and they amaze me at what they can do! Of course, there are some exceptions. All of us work with some people that need more hands-on management than others. Either they are new to the job or just have a personality where they prefer more supervision. Sometimes we may have not provided the necessary instructions. Fortunately, I find that once a person is properly informed and trained to do their job, most of them become more confident and independent."

Thanks for your comments.

Again, thanks for your e-mail. Keep those cards and letters coming.

MBA is an international management consulting firm specializing in Information Resource Management. We offer training, consulting, and writing services in the areas of Enterprise Engineering, Systems Engineering, Data Base Engineering, Project Management, Methodologies and Repositories. For information, call us at 727/786-4567. For a complete listing of my essays, see the "PRIDE" Special Subject Bulletins section of our corporate web site.

Our corporate web page is at:

Management Visions is a presentation of M. Bryce & Associates, a division of M&JB Investment Company of Palm Harbor, Florida, USA. The program is produced on a weekly basis and updated on Sundays. It is available in versions for RealPlayer, Microsoft Media Player, and MP3 suitable for Podcasting. See our web site for details. You'll find our broadcast listed in several Podcast and Internet Search engines, as well as Apples' iTunes.

If you have any questions or would like to be placed on our e-mailing list to receive notification of future broadcasts, please e-mail it to

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Copyright © 2007 by M&JB Investment Company of Palm Harbor, Florida, USA. All rights reserved. "PRIDE" is the registered trademark of M&JB Investment Company.

This is Tim Bryce reporting.

Since 1971: "Software for the finest computer - the Mind."


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